We are thrilled to announce that we have received a grant from Eli Lilly in support of the Elixir Fund Registry.

This grant will allow us to host public meetings to introduce the Elixir Fund Registry, recruit volunteers to test the registry, and to solicit feedback. Our first meeting will be on Wednesday, June 25, 2014 at 7pm at Sand Hills Community Wellness Center, 57 Sand Hills Road, Kendall Park, NJ. This meeting is open to everyone.

If you:

* Have experience with cancer as a patient or caregiver
* Work with cancer patients as a doctor, nurse, social worker, etc.
* Have experience with any chronic illness as a patient or caregiver
We would appreciate your input.

We hope you will join us on June 25, 2014. Refreshments will be served.  Please share this information with anyone that you think might benefit from this service or would be interested in providing feedback.

To RSVP or for more information please contact us.

If you would like us to make a similar presentation to your staff, hospital, support, or other organization, please contact us.