The Council of Dads

When diagnosed with cancer, Bruce Feiler was faced with the possibility of not being there for all of the little and not so little moments in his then 3 year old twin daughter's lives. So he identified, amongst his friends, a Council of Dads who would be able to teach his daughters a variety of

I’ll Be Nearby

I thought I would let Kevin take over the blog for the day. Below are the lyrics to a song he wrote many years ago. I am not exactly sure of the date or the inspiration, but I assume it was in honor of a dear friend who passed. There are a few people that I

One Month to go…

TEAM KEVIN rocks the Panasonic NYC Triathlon   In just over one month TEAM KEVIN will swim the Hudson and run and bike through New York finishing in Central Park. We cannot begin to express our gratitude to this team - Suzie Baer, Jill McConnell, Susan Clifford, Duncan Wilson, Rob Doolittle, and Jenny Godnick - for

There are many ways to donate life.

#CelebrateLife #DonateLife Yesterday I had the honor of participating in the NJ Sharing Network’s 5th Annual 5K as part of TEAM SUSIE. NJ Sharing Network is an organization dedicated to organ and tissue donation. I joined Susie’s family and friends to honor her gift of life as an organ donor along with thousands of other

Paint-a-Treasure Joins the Elixir Fund Registry

We would like to welcome Paint-a-Treasure to the Elixir Fund Registry. This represents our first business that provides family activities or outings as well as a great birthday party idea for kids. Whether it is the parent or a child that is impacted by a chronic illness, the family needs time to take a break; to

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